Honey-collection is a crucial process as it needs high technology gadget in order to make sure that honey bees are not harmed during the harvest season. Hence, an excellent product will help you obtain more production in the process. The beehive scale product is in fact a measurement station in times of honey-collection.
What are the Features of the Product?
To help you understand how this product can help you, here are some features that beehive scale offers:
Data display through graph on www.ecebelar.com
3 years continuous operation with only one battery
20 years of industry experience
Over 50 scales within Slovenian Beekeepers Association
The bee hive scale is actually an electronic scale backed with relative humidity and temperature sensors as well as data transfer GSM modem. It is ideally designed to best integrate “honey collection control system” of the “Slovenian BeeKeepers Association”. The equipment is also perfect for independent beekeepers that need regular data regarding the temperature, weight as well as relative humidity within dislocated beehives.
It comes with a stainless body mounted with an excellent weighting cell that can be optionally loaded permanently. Also, it is practically integrated with AMES capacity electronics in order to guarantee intense accuracy even without digression due to differences in temperature as well as other concerned factors. With the communication module, it consists of relative humidity and AMES temperature sensors.
The GSM modem works for the data transfer while the batteries are responsible for assuring that the device will work efficiently and conveniently within three years of life span.
Beekeeping Quality and Technology
If you are a beekeeper, then you might be thinking of a new way to improve your hive monitoring system for least bee health contact. With the great advancement of radio technology, there are now available innovative ways to check your beehives while tracking the bee health efficiently.
Before, beekeepers were mandated to open their beehives manually in order to examine them for swarming or disease. With the advancement of technology, the hive scale is conveniently put under the beehives to record internal temperature and weight.
Then, the information is transferred back to you remotely. Even though it is efficient, a few concerns of radio technology detrimental effects for the health of bees. In order to minimize impact, the scale may communicate with data collector through the use of lower “power density wave”.
With smart and careful radio technology application, it will dramatically improve remote hive monitoring through fewer intrusions. Rather than separate cellular connectivity, the solution is to use a single modem that conveniently gathers data from various beehive scales. As a result, you get less bee impact and lower cost.
How the Product Efficiently Works
The hives from apiary are put on hive monitors while the weight is gathered and accumulated regularly. The device for data collection collects all information from the monitor placed under every beehive. The communication network is located between collectors and monitors to make sure that all data are transmitted securely. Then, the collector transfers data to internet. You may utilize web interface in order to check your beehives.
The Essence of Monitoring Hives
Combing beehive acoustics to monitor with some parameters like humidity, brood temperature, apiary climate condition and hive weight. Now, you can efficiently interpret and monitor bee sounds and assess colony strength, health and behavior. The beehive data is accessible from internet-enable device using any web browsers.
Here are some benefits of the hive scales:
Security – receive SMS or email alerts when you beehive has been blown or moved by strong wind.
Active season – see the colonies increase during spring even without removing the “crown board”. You can also receive alerts automatically when the colonies become brood less or the new queen bee begins laying. You also the chance to track forager activities, precisely plot nectar flow, and remove or add suppers alerts. Health and swarm management as well as spot rubbing immediately with the use of scale.
Winter monitoring – monitor if the bees need feeding or are still active without even visiting the apiary. Also, receive alerts when beehives need ventilation or are too clammy.
Apiary conditions – log in and monitor weather conditions remotely at the apiary.
This system is supported by technical support in order to assist users and best utilize the monitors. Perfectly designed for large businesses and small beekeepers, the TCM-13 hive scale provides fantastic insight of the colonies activities. It is aimed at larger beekeeping operations with various apiaries.
The monitors will allow in comparing general health in every apiary and mapping the flow of nectar in targeting all resources effectively. It can also be used by researchers to investigate bee behavior and health. The entire system offers economic viable way to perform studies and investigate each hive in better detail.
Why Use Monitors?
There are simply great benefits why you should choose cost effective monitors such as the following:
Access to the status of beehive using internet-enabled device
Monitor activity, weight and humidity remotely
Download or view historical data
Instant alerts for vandalism and theft
Compare each apiary for large beekeeping operation
Modern moveable frame of beehives helps maximize honey production. With an efficient beekeeping system, you can interchange honey combs between and within colonies. It also provides a wide variety of management alternatives. The optimum usage may depend on the inputs which are usually for small beekeepers to acquire.
To completely use the alternatives and achieve the potent manufacture of portable frame system, more expertise and experience and timing are necessary. Beekeeping projects can sometimes be initiated with the use of moveable-frame beehives but are not ready for technical assistance or follow-up inputs.
Intermediate tech beekeeping methods provide cheaper technique for bee-havers and bee-killers who are using fixed-comb beehives in making switch to beekeeping. It simply offers easy to use beekeeping monitoring system which is much more technological and economical with efficient and convenient ways.