Bee Hive Scale

Making Your Honey-Collection Control System More Efficient with the TCM-13 Bee Hive Scale

Before hive products are produced, bees are needed. Even the simple structure of a hive is able to bring a lot of products such as beeswax and honey. Others may not be aware of these products. But, they are really getting in demand these days. Due to this, bee farms are in dire need of equipments that make their bee farm management more efficient. That’s what AMES is here for!

What AMES has to Offer

The products and services offered by the company come in a wide range. But, they have that certain product that you can benefit from. This helps you in running your own bee farm.  This product is none other than the bee hive scale.

AMES has its bee hive scale product called as TCM-13 beehive scale. This is the solution you are looking for in making your honey-collection control system more efficient. The product is an economical bee hive weighing system designed to monitor the weight of the beehive. Monitoring the hive’s weight is an important aspect of managing a bee farm and honey production. The data gathered from the process is used in evaluating the bee’s performance and hive’s location.

Through the device, you will be able to:

  • Determine the breeding stock through the resulting data that concerns the weight gain performance
  • Monitor the apiary’s performance and the forage gaps
  • Time the comb honey production

How does the Device Enable These?

Like the modern hive monitoring equipment today, AMES’ bee hive scale is also featuring data transfer function. Every data gathered can be accessed and graphically displayed at Data transfer is made possible with the use of GSM modem that the device has. Aside from this feature, TMC-13 bee hive scale also features relative humidity and temperature sensors.

These features have led the Slovenian Bookkeepers Association to purchase these devices designed by AMES. Currently, the association owns over 50 scales. But, this device is not only ideal for associations like the Slovenian Bookkeepers Association. It is also ideal to be used by interested independent beekeepers who want to have access on the data they need.

Other Uses of the of the Bee Hive Scale

The mentioned uses of the device are not the only ways that the beehive scale can be utilized. At most, you can also use it if:

  • You periodically weigh the hives and wish to determine the changes in the honey stores. It helps determine whether the bees consumed or increased their honey stock.
  • You have several bee hives and you wish to identify which of them quickly gained or lost weight.
  • You make it a habit to weight the hive before and after the harvesting time. The weight data you can obtain in the process helps in determining when the hive may be set for the following harvest.

Apart from the uses of this product, AMES also included a 13-month warranty in order that the product gives its value on your money!


Choosing the Best Handheld Anemometer for You

From avid hunters, campers, and backpackers to the daring wind and kite surfers, a handheld anemometer can be a powerful and important tool. The tiny handheld device can produce invaluable information within a matter of minutes and at the palm of your hand. Their ability to provide relatively accurate wind readings and information on the spot allows you to maintain safety in whatever activity you are embarking on when conditions are dangerous, as well as determine when it’s the perfect conditions and time to do so!

But the next question is: which handheld anemometer should you buy? What works best for the activities you are participating in and for your budget? The handheld anemometer market is vast and deep and sifting through all the different features and brands can be difficult. Some are waterproof or ability to utilize various units or have backlights or resistant to the extremely hot or extremely cold. Also, you must take into consideration the ability to read air pressure, whether or not you need it to act as a weather forecasting tool, compass issues, humidity, and air temperature. Think of what you need for anemometer and we can guide you to the right one.

There are handheld anemometers for every budget. The most expensive and top of the line handheld anemometers are usually around $400, but are well worth the cost to anyone who needs the detailed and fast results that theses handheld anemometers can provide. It is ideal for military personnel or any other serious responders who need an accurate monitor. Amongst its vast amounts of features, it includes barometric pressure and trend, altitude, wind direction, and headwind, tailwind, crosswind speed.

Around half of the price of this one are great handheld anemometers in the $140 to $200 range. These anemometers tend to be comprehensive handheld tools. They tend to be great waterproof handhelds that can provide measurements on wind velocity, temperature, humidity, compass direction, and more. These handhelds are great for either professional or enthusiast uses ranging from engineer to kite surfer usage.

Simpler handheld anemometers can be found in a general price range of $30 to $100. Although they do not have all of the extra functions of the prior mentioned handhelds, they are still high quality tools. These handhelds tend to be extremely durable and completely waterproof. These compact devices provide a comprehensive reading complete with wind velocity, wind temperature, and relative condition temperatures amongst other basic features. Simple handheld anemometers of this nature tend to be commonly used for construction, boating, sailing, and other less high stress and demanding situations.

Those are only a few of the great handheld anemometers available to you. Keep in mind what you need your anemometer for and find the best fit for you and your budget. Each handheld anemometer is different and pose different functions, so make sure to check out those functions instead of placing them in the general price buckets and assuming those amenities are included. With that said, happy windy days!